Information & Cyber Security Assessments

Specialists in the Protection, Safeguarding and Recovery of Information Assets

Dynamdre's information and cyber security assessments are services that entails risk-based approaches systems to determine if there are any exploitable vulnerabilities which can be used to harm the organisation or its reputation. The strategy helps identify threats that could affect the availability and reliability of a system. Overall, a business can get a better understanding of the capabilities of defenses put in place against malicious attacks.

Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing

Penetration testing or ethical hacking is the process of evaluating a company's ICT security and incident response systems to determine if there are any exploitable vulnerabilities which can be used harm to the organisation or its reputation.

In short penetration testing is an attempt to gain access to company resources or information without the target taking notice. Penetration testing can thus be described simply as hacking with permission, also known as "ethical hacking".



Black Box Testing

The Black Box assessment is simply a penetration test conducted with little to no knowledge of the target. This type of test is considered to be the most realistic as it most accurately simulates a cyber-attack which someone launches from outside the company.

White Box Testing

The hacker obtains all the necessary information, therefore, imitating the type of attack the internal company employees would conduct to test the security of the network.

Grey Box Testing

The Grey Box assessment is a form of penetration testing where the hacker receives limited information on the target. This test most accurately simulates an insider attack which could be conducted by someone employed the organization.

Web Application Testing

We offer this to our clients to ensure the protection of confidential customer information requested by web applications.

Dynamdre focusses on conducting penetration test which are in line with the international best practice and all our tools and techniques have been proven and are realistically in line with the strategy a malicious hacker would use to infiltrate the organisation.

We as white hats (Hackers who only hack with permission) aim only to provide our client with the most realistic and up to date hacking solutions to protect you from outside and inside threats to your organisation.

Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability Assessment

This refers to the process of identifying risks and vulnerabilities in computer networks, systems, hardware, applications, and other parts of the IT ecosystem. Vulnerability assessments provide security teams and other stakeholders with the information they need to analyze and prioritize risks for potential remediation in the proper context.

Vulnerability assessments are a critical component of the vulnerability management and IT risk management life cycles, helping protect systems and data from unauthorized access and data breaches. Vulnerability assessments typically leverage tools like vulnerability scanners to identify threats and flaws within an organization's IT infrastructure that represents potential vulnerabilities or risk exposures.

Why Vulnerability Assessments are Important?

Vulnerability assessments allow security teams to apply a consistent, comprehensive, and clear approach to identifying and resolving security threats and risks. This has several benefits to an organization:

  • Early and consistent identification of threats and weaknesses in IT security
  • Remediation actions to close any gaps and protect sensitive systems and information
  • Meet cybersecurity compliance and regulatory needs for areas like HIPAA and PCI DSS
  • Protect against data breaches and other unauthorised access

Dynamdre would like to invite you to request a proposal for us to provide your company with detailed information on how we can help you secure your valuable information.

A vulnerability assessment explores a wide range of potential issues across multiple networks, systems, and other parts of your IT ecosystem, on-prem and cloud. It identifies weaknesses that need correction, including misconfigurations and policy non-compliance vulnerabilities that patching and maintenance alone may not address.

Most vulnerability assessments assign a risk to each threat. These risks can have a priority, urgency, and impact assigned to them, which makes it easier to focus on those that could create the most issues for an organization. This is an important part of vulnerability management, as your IT security team will have limited time and resources, and must concentrate on the areas that could cause the most damage to your business.

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